Montmartre's best bookshops and bouquinistes

Montmartre's best bookshops and bouquinistes

Discover Paris differently!

Montmartre isn't just a pretty hilltop full of tourists, as you might think! Above all, it has historically been the melting pot of a certain intellectual life, where books have always had a privileged place. Even today, there are still some who strive to give them pride of place...


La Halle St Pierre - 2 rue Ronsard - 75018 Paris :

At the foot of the Butte, La Halle is a paradise for book and art lovers, and for the curious in search of unusual places. As well as being a giant bookshop, La Halle St Pierre is also a resource and documentation center for all forms of contemporary creation, and an exhibition space devoted to art brut, naïf and outsider art. The building itself is well worth a visit: it's a former market where metal and glass are in perfect harmony.


La Librairie des Abbesses - 30 rue Yvonne Le Tac - 75018 Paris :

The Librairie des Abbesses is a bookshop with a mission, so to speak. It was born of the desire to give a place to "unclassifiable" writers, to make their words heard, and of the urgent need to reinvent the bookselling profession and restore books to their rightful place. The bookshop is part of the district's historic literary identity, the district of the marginalized, the intellectual resistance fighters, Montmartre.


Le Pied à Terre - 9 rue Custine - 75018 Paris :

This independent bookshop, which opened its doors in 2020 in the Château Rouge district, has all kinds of books on its shelves. From comics to literature, you're sure to find what you're looking for! The picturesque tiles on the floor (and the smiling booksellers!) will guide you to the author who will win you over.

Finally... the place to be for literature lovers: the Hôtel Littéraire Marcel Aymé. Here, you can enjoy an intimate breakfast or snack, under the watchful eye of the Passe-Muraille, and between two shelves bursting with novels.


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